Monday, April 22, 2013

04-22-2013 Day 38

Carpet was installed and it looks good.  After they left we noticed a seam was not right, as you step on it you feel a bump.  Also when they rolled the carpet over the base board corners it rubbed the finish off them.  The pocket door was not cut to the correct size to account for the carpet height.  I called Bill and he said it would be taken care of.

Ben added magnets to the access panel.  Really cool!

Kyle continued to work on the patio.  There are still no solid plans for the fire pit as it had been planned. 

Now that the Window is done, a few minor fixes in the basement and the patio is almost dome Bill started to push me to sign off that the job was complete.  What this really means is that they can get paid from the bank load we took out for the other half of the total cost.  At one point I was asked to pay an extra $2000 because they extended the patio an extra foot both ways (North to south and East to West) and this will cover the extra material costs.  After a lengthy conversation it turned out I did not owe them any things and technically they owe me an extra foot and a half going South to North.

I expressed concern that the sand base would not hold and why they were not using the paver retaining strips that keep everything locked in.  I have seen this being used on every home improvement show and did not understand why they were not using it.  Basically I made a deal with Bill that I would sign off as long as he gets things done quickly and the retaining strips would be used.  I am praying this does not come back and bite me.

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