Thursday, August 22, 2013

08-22-2013 Day 125

I called Matt to ask him 3 things:
  1. What was the schedule for getting the hole in the basement fixed?
    1. He said to work with Ben to schedule it, however Ben may not be available until mid to late next week.  I explained that I was not happy that they left yesterday when this was supposed to be a one day deal, but I would work with Ben
  2. How was he going to reimburse me for the $150 HVAC work?
    1. this one started a heated debate.  Matt once again started saying he did not understand why he is responsible for something I approved, but he was agreeing to do the  drywall.  We went round and round again with all the facts which ended with a "I'll have to make some calls and get back with you on it"
  3. Status on the patio.
    1. The patio was an all out war of words.  Basically Matt is still stating that this is a service issue and his company should not have to out lay the $600 to fix the issues.  Also he said "We are working on it but sorry it is not on your schedule or done as soon as you would like it"  That set me off.  I asked him what is actually an acceptable repair schedule for him?  6 months, 8 months, a year?  I told him I would bet money that if I never signed the loan paperwork and was still holding on to his money, this would not have lasted this long, so therefore the job was never completed and is not a service issue.  The point is that he pulled one guy off because Matt thought it should have been done already.  I then asked him why as a customer I have to wait for a backend issue between him and his vendor, when if vendor says they are not going to give replacements to him for free, he would have to pay for it anyways.  A good company would just buy the materials to make the customer happy and then work it out on the back end. Matt became mad and started to say that he should not be responsible for a product issue, when the installation was fine.  That set me off again and I told him the following"  Matt, I have not said anything because I thought this was going to be done by now.  This was 100% an installation issue because I saw with my own eyes your guys spread the polymeric sand on the pavers then wet them like you would do with normal sand.  This is why there was a film of concrete on the pavers, not a product issue.  Furthermore I am not a black mailing or threating guy, but all I have to do is call Lou at Oberfields and tell what I saw with my own eyes.  At that point you would not be getting free replacements, and  you still would have to spend the $600 to replace them.  So if I were in your shoes, I would do whatever it takes to get the job done so you are done with me, then deal with Oberfields based on information you have withheld from them."  His tone changed again as (what I am guessing) he had not been aware that his guys messed up before.  Matt once again said that he needed to make some calls and get back with me.

I called Ben to talk about the schedule, he said that his other job may run into Monday or Tuesday of next week.  He would follow-up with me on Monday morning with a better idea of time.

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